Masonic Logo Bethlehem Lodge 283


Lodge History

It was in the year of our Lord 1853 in the year of light 5853, five Masons gathered in Bethlehem to constitute a lodge in the city. At this meeting were the Brethren Samuel Wetherill, Nathan Bartlett, James H. Williams, all of the Newark Lodge #7 in New Jersey and Manasses Beidler and William F. Miller of Lodge #152 in Easton, Pennsylvania. These Brethren constitute our charter members.
A warrant was issued on Tuesday, January 31, 1854, the Bethlehem Lodge was constituted. The meetings were held at a location between Market and Cunow Alley, now known as Walnut Street.

Brother Samuel Wetherill becoming our first Worshipful Master. The meetings were on the first Wednesday of each month prior to the full moon.

For the first twenty years, the Lodge was known as Bethlehem Lodge #283 Ancient York Masons. But in 1877, this was changed by an edict to Free and Accepted Masons.
In 1885, an invitation was received from Lehigh University to participate in the laying of the cornerstone of Packer Memorial Chapel of the University.

In 1892, the Lodge moved to a building on Main Street, which was called the Beehive.
On October 25,1913, the Bethlehem Temple Association was incorporated.
On March 14, 1925, ground was broken for a new Masonic Temple and on May 23rd of that year, the laying of the cornerstone was performed by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The first Temple meeting was held on January 5, 1926.

The Temple is adjoined to the E. P. Wilbur Mansion. The rooms are of American and Circassian walnut, teak wood, ornate molding and beautiful mirrors. The Temple houses a large banquet hall for wedding receptions and other functions. There are 2 Lodge rooms, the main room is used by Blue Lodges, Chapter, Council and Eastern Star for special meetings. A pipe organ sits in the large Lodge room.

The Lodge celebrated it's 150th year anniversary on April 25, 2004.
Stated meetings are on the third Thursday of the month. The conferring of Degrees are on the third Tuesday of the month, however no meetings are held in July or August.